Sunday, July 1, 2012


Our trip to Colorado 2011

View from atop Mount Le Conte picture taken from Many years ago I traveled through a section of the Appalachian Mountains known as the Smokey Mountains in eastern Tennessee ... I loved it. From that point on I thought Tennessee was the prettiest place I had ever seen... 
mountain view on the way to Crested Butte, Coloradountil my husband took me to Colorado last year. 
I still think the Appalachian Mountains are beautiful but in my opinion the Rocky Mountains win hands down. I wish pictures could truly express the majesty of Colorado. I suppose it is a combination of smells, sounds, sights and oh... the temperature! My husband's parents live in Gunnison, Colorado. Here is the website for Gunnison if you would like more information on this city... . The average high temperature in July is 82 ○F!!! Perfect for someone from Texas when our average high temp in July is 96 ○F. I will refrain from listing the average low temperatures of Gunnison. I'll just say that in the winter months I prefer Texas. ;)
While in Colorado my father-in-law drove us to many different places and provided historical commentary of the sights. I was very interested in all the information he could provide to us. 
Pops driving us up to Cottonwood Pass
I would recite some of it here but it's been a year since. We are going back to Colorado in a few weeks. I will post more information upon our return. I will say now that I am very excited to be returning to the region. I would move there in a heartbeat if it were feasible. 
These are pictures of our drive up to Cottonwood Pass. I will offer a word of advice for travelers. If you are venturing up to Cottonwood Pass make a bathroom stop before going up!! It is a slow passage up and down and there is NO public restroom at the top!!! I learned that the hard way. Heaven forgive me my trespasses. ;) here is a website about Cottonwood Pass...
me and fam
     Pops, Patrick and Dyllan on the Continental Divide Patrick throwing snowballs at me in July up on the Continental Divide
river in ColoradoAspen treesCassidy
frozen pool atop Cottonwood Passspill way
old cabin on the way to Cottonwood Pass

These are pictures of our day trip to Historic Crested Butte, Colorado. I love all the little mountain towns. They each have their own personalities. Here is a website about Crested Butte, Colorado ...

Mimi and Patrick in Crested Butte, CO
view on the way to Crested Butte, CODyllan on the streets of Crested Butte
Coloradostream running through Crested Butte, CO
Crested Butte, COColorado
mainstreet USA in Crested Butte, CO

On our way home we have to go over Monarch Pass. There is a sky lift at the top. We didn't go last year but I would love to go this year. We will be driving straight through from Texas to Colorado. It's close to a 14 hour trip so by the time we reach Monarch Pass we are pretty tired so we continue on through. Another good thing about Monarch Pass... they have restrooms!! Here is a website about Monarch Pass ...

Monarch Pass Continental Divideskylift atop Monarch Pass
highway going over Monarch Passview looking down from the highway to Monarch Pass Monarch Passquarry mine along Monarch Pass
mountains in Coloradoview from highway

We went to the Royal Gorge last year. All I can really say is.... it was amazing and so beautiful! Here is a website about the Royal Gorge if you would like to learn more ... 

Royal Gorge, Colorado
Patrick on the bridge that spans the Royal GorgeView atop Royal Gorge
view from the Royal Gorge bridge

Beautiful!!!! I am ready to go .... less than a month and we will be back in this place that I feel is Heaven on earth. During this trip I am hoping to go fishing in the Blue Mesa Reservoir and hike in Black Canyon. More to come after our next trip. 

~ Sharon

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