I am a pretty humble person. I do not like to boast about my achievements or brag about my intelligence. However, I feel that in light of recent events, which I will explain momentarily, it is imperative that you know the following information. I do think of myself as a fairly intelligent individual. I may be blonde but I graduated with an Associates degree in Science with Honors with a grade point average of 3.78. I was certified as an Emergency Medical Technician and I graduated with the second highest grade point average in my class being topped by less than one tenth of a point. I am a member of Who's Who Among American Junior College Students and Phi Theta Kappa, which by the way is an international honor society. I received the English Student of the Year Award in 2003; if you ever find yourself in the Paris Junior College writing lab you will find my name upon a plaque on the wall. I also received first place in a creative writing competition with Paris Junior College, which was comprised, of three different campuses. I received a scholarship from the PJC Science Department, which was based on a combination of my tenacity and my grades in Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Microbiology and Chemistry. While all of that sounds pretty good, bear in mind I did all of this while going through a divorce, working a full-time job and raising two children; one child being a teenager and one with a physical disability. Hopefully I have convinced you that I am not the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz but wait, I haven’t told you my story. I will now shamefully tell you of my latest accomplishment.
If you are ever curious or wonder what if .... please heed my advice:

I have always heard not to put regular dish liquid in the dishwasher. Now, as I explained above I am somewhat intelligent but I like to challenge common beliefs. I subscribe to the notion that until it is proven to me it isn't true and besides, I was out of automatic dish soap. Well, I can now safely say that it IS true. It is TRUTH, fact, genuineness, sureness, and

It was bubble heaven; it was bubble hell. Bubbles were oozing out from around the door, literally pouring out from below the door. It was a cascade of bubbles. Bubbles on the floor, bubbles on my toes, so many bubbles I couldn’t keep them contained. I must admit it was quite humorous and my daughter (of course my daughter just had to witness this!!) had a difficult time helping me clean it because she was laughing too hard. My cat, well he just sat and stared at the bountiful bubbles oozing out of the machine, nose in the air and thinking to himself… ‘I knew this woman wasn’t very smart. Finally I have my proof. First the little rat of a dog and now this, yes, she is not very smart … humans.. Humph’.

I believe that since I, being somewhat intelligent can pull such a not so smart move there must be others (I know those of you who have done this will never admit to it) who have or will do the same. Hence, I have decided that others must benefit from my misfortune. So I ashamedly present to you the 'what to do's' for this exact exponentially bubbling catastrophe. Perhaps it can be posted in someone's kitchen somewhere so that in the event that you run out of automatic dishwasher soap and the synapses in the brain have suddenly stopped synapsing and you begin to think that it sounds like a good idea to try it you will now have a solution to the disaster that is soon to befall you. Here are some possible solutions. Good luck.
According to the ACME how to .com website at: http://www.acmehowto.com/howto/appliance/dishwasher/wrongsoap.php. The following is suggested:
First scoop out as much water as you can and dump it in the sink. Next add a cup or two of white vinegar and run the dishwasher for a short time. Now scoop out more water. The vinegar cuts the foaming action of the soap. You may have to repeat the process to eliminate the suds because some soapy water remains inside the pump and hoses.Also, if you poured it into the soap dispenser, wash that out by hand to get all the dish soap out.
Or you may wish to try this much simpler solution from About.com located at: http://housewares.about.com/od/dishwasherfaqstips/f/dishwshrdetergn.htm
Using regular liquid dish soap in your dishwasher will severely hamper the wash cycle. The high sudsing that will be produced will quickly fill your dishwasher with suds that may overflow from the appliance to the floor.Only detergents that are specially formulated for dishwashers should be used in these appliances. These create no suds during the cycle. Always add the proper detergent to the specially-designed dishwasher compartment. If you have used the incorrect liquid detergent for a cycle, you may need to run the wash or rinse cycle a second time, without detergent, to rinse your dishes and clear out the soap suds and residue.Likewise, dishwasher detergent is not recommended to manually wash dishes. Although your dishes will come clean, the lack of suds may cause you to add too much detergent to the water and will make it difficult to properly rinse your dishes.
I googled this phrase... 'regular dish liquid in automatic dishwasher.' I received 128,000 results. This makes me feel somewhat better about my misadventure. Happy cleaning.
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