A collection of writings on the joys and challenges of this experience we call Life.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Home Again
Hello Readers,
We are finally home. We have been on vacation in Colorado for the last two weeks. I anticipate posting tonight. If not tonight definitely tomorrow. Thank you for visiting my site. Please come back again to read further posts.
~ Sharon
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
God and the Universe
“You're life is a print-out of your thoughts.” ― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free
Of all the things I listed in the post one thing I did not ask for was for my son to be whole. Don't get me wrong... every day I wake up and I pray that today will be the day that his body is whole and works as it should. If given the choice to have all the material things I wish for myself and my family or to have Alan walk to me and speak to me... in a heartbeat and without a thought I would choose that for Alan. So yes... sometimes I question God as to why He has never granted that request. Why do we all believe He will answer any of our prayers when He doesn't answer the requests of parents the world over to heal our children? The only answer I have is Faith. I have faith that the challenges that Alan faces and that we face in caring for him are for a higher purpose. God has a purpose for us and in order for us to be prepared for whatever challenge or test is coming our way this is in preparation for it. Or perhaps Alan is to impact someone or maybe many someone's and in order for him to complete his purpose his body has to be in the form it is now, perhaps his message would not be heard otherwise. I do not have the answers but I have faith that God will use our situation to have a positive effect on others.
I recently watched a video by Stephen Hawking in which he made the statement that there is no God. Now, I admire Stephen Hawking's achievements, his intellect, his perseverance and his determination to overcome all the challenges in his life. So... let me say again... I truly admire him. However, I disagree with him as I have noticed that many others do as well. Approximately 95% of the human population believes in a higher power. The other 5% apparently think we are all delusional. It seems that Science is always trying to disprove the existence of God.
“When things get too complicated, it sometimes makes sense to stop and wonder: Have I asked the right question?” ― Enrico Bombieri
Maybe instead of asking 'how can we prove God doesn't exist' maybe they should rethink the question and begin to ask 'How can God not exist?' Do we honestly believe that we are here by sheer luck? From absolute nothing to *poof* here we are?? How arrogant to assume that we exist because of the luck of the draw!! I do not understand quantum physics and I will never claim to but I can not see how our universe could have been spontaneously created from absolutely nothing without a Greater Power initiating that creation. I do believe in the Big Bang Theory but I believe it is a result of the intervention of the Great Creator. I read a story by Piers Anthony that I believe truly bridged the gap between God and Science. The passage was in one of the books of his series the 'Incarnations of Immortality' I am afraid I do not remember exactly which book it was in but in the story, yes it was fiction, he confronted the question of how God created all that exists in seven days... well six if you are considering the fact that God rested on the seventh day. We humans try to grasp the concept of God creating the world in seven days but we can't comprehend it because it makes no sense... it seems an impossible assumption.... but if we stop to think.... God's time is different than ours.. why would He be limited or confined to our reference of time and days? Remember when He was creating the universe... our days did not exist yet so how can we assume then that a day for God is 24 hours? We can't. Perhaps one of God's days is a million years to us? Perhaps the stages in the creation of our world were only a few hours to God. Perhaps our entire existence has simply been a blink of the eye to God. When we stop to think that perhaps we are looking at it through the wrong filter and although Science explains the creation of our world along a certain path.... why do we assume that it was not by God's design? Why do scientists believe that because they can explain things scientifically that their explanations contradict the existence of God? Who do they think orchestrated physics, reality, the universe.... life? God did! Once we step back and look at creation in that manner we can begin to rationalize that yes it is possible. Not only is it possible it is true.
I believe that every thing that exists or ever will exist is by God's Design. If we are to believe that our universe exists simply by spontaneous creation then why don't we see things in our world spontaneously appearing now? In the video Stephen Hawking also stated that before the Big Bang there was nothing... no time... no universe ... nothing. How can nothing just become the universe we live in?? I'm not buying that! The spark of life was ignited by a greater power. My belief is that the hand of God was the initiating, controlling and determining factor.
Another question that arose from the creation of my post was do I believe the Universe will grant my wishes simply because I want it. Well, actually in part yes I suppose I do. The reason I believe that what I want will come to me is the fact that I believe that we are in control of our own realities. That our experiences are subjective to our mind sets, our filters. If we anticipate negativeness then that is what we will see, feel, receive and create for our world. If we anticipate positiveness then we will see, feel, receive and create positive experiences in our lives. I suppose it is a matter of perspectives.
Maybe instead of asking 'how can we prove God doesn't exist' maybe they should rethink the question and begin to ask 'How can God not exist?' Do we honestly believe that we are here by sheer luck? From absolute nothing to *poof* here we are?? How arrogant to assume that we exist because of the luck of the draw!! I do not understand quantum physics and I will never claim to but I can not see how our universe could have been spontaneously created from absolutely nothing without a Greater Power initiating that creation. I do believe in the Big Bang Theory but I believe it is a result of the intervention of the Great Creator. I read a story by Piers Anthony that I believe truly bridged the gap between God and Science. The passage was in one of the books of his series the 'Incarnations of Immortality' I am afraid I do not remember exactly which book it was in but in the story, yes it was fiction, he confronted the question of how God created all that exists in seven days... well six if you are considering the fact that God rested on the seventh day. We humans try to grasp the concept of God creating the world in seven days but we can't comprehend it because it makes no sense... it seems an impossible assumption.... but if we stop to think.... God's time is different than ours.. why would He be limited or confined to our reference of time and days? Remember when He was creating the universe... our days did not exist yet so how can we assume then that a day for God is 24 hours? We can't. Perhaps one of God's days is a million years to us? Perhaps the stages in the creation of our world were only a few hours to God. Perhaps our entire existence has simply been a blink of the eye to God. When we stop to think that perhaps we are looking at it through the wrong filter and although Science explains the creation of our world along a certain path.... why do we assume that it was not by God's design? Why do scientists believe that because they can explain things scientifically that their explanations contradict the existence of God? Who do they think orchestrated physics, reality, the universe.... life? God did! Once we step back and look at creation in that manner we can begin to rationalize that yes it is possible. Not only is it possible it is true.
I believe that every thing that exists or ever will exist is by God's Design. If we are to believe that our universe exists simply by spontaneous creation then why don't we see things in our world spontaneously appearing now? In the video Stephen Hawking also stated that before the Big Bang there was nothing... no time... no universe ... nothing. How can nothing just become the universe we live in?? I'm not buying that! The spark of life was ignited by a greater power. My belief is that the hand of God was the initiating, controlling and determining factor.
“Remember, you see in any situation what you expect to see.” ― David Schwartz
In my post 'You are Your Thoughts' I sent out my wish for the Universe to grant me a modified wheelchair van for my son. Well... we actually had a van but it was parked in the backyard because it had a transmission leak and the air conditioning was not working. Since creating that post my husband has fixed the transmission and the air conditioning. My van is now running and we will be taking it to Colorado. Two days after I published the post my husband received a phone call from one of his friends telling him they knew of someone who had a wheelchair ramp. Today my van is running and we are several steps closer to having it modified. Now... was that the Universe responding to my command, my request? Was it the power of suggestion? Did my husband see my request and did that initiate him to take the steps to make my desire a reality? or was it mere coincidence?
When you glimpse the pattern in the tapestry of life remember there are no coincidences and all things are by design. You may call it whatever you like... the Universe... Fate... Destiny... Karma... Quantum Mechanics... but when things line up just right and I get a glimpse of the pattern I call it a God thing. As God is everything... God is Fate... God is Destiny... God is the pattern... God is the Universe. If you can't see that try changing your filter.
"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." ~ Albert Einstein
When you glimpse the pattern in the tapestry of life remember there are no coincidences and all things are by design. You may call it whatever you like... the Universe... Fate... Destiny... Karma... Quantum Mechanics... but when things line up just right and I get a glimpse of the pattern I call it a God thing. As God is everything... God is Fate... God is Destiny... God is the pattern... God is the Universe. If you can't see that try changing your filter.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
You are Your Thoughts
You Are Your Thoughts
Is it true that you are what you think? That you become what you imagine? That your dreams really can come true just by the power of your thoughts?
Butterfly in the Mountains |
I recently watched the video "The Secret" , according to this video the Universe is ours to command. That we simply need to focus on the positives and the things we want in our lives will come to us via the law of attraction. Can it really be that simple? Well we are going to find out. I have begun the exercise to make my dreams realities. I have followed the steps outlined in the video. They state three main objectives: Ask; Believe; Recieve.
Ask: First you must Ask for what you want. Meaning decide what you truly want in your life and focus your thoughts on those items. It was also stressed that you must release the thoughts of the things you do not want as focusing on the things you do not want will actually attract those things to you. So as the video states... "instead of saying ... I don't want to see bills in my mailbox... say I want to see checks coming to me in my mailbox." One speaker stated that using a vision board helps you to channel your thoughts to what you do want. So.... I will insert some things that I do want below. There are some things that I am unsure how to show you visually so I will mention them here:
1. Good Health for myself, my husband and my family & harmonious relationships between us.
2. To work prosperously from home and to have $1000 checks coming to me in the mail four times weekly.
3. To provide a happy healthy home for my family.
now I can post some pictures in random order of the things I do want in my life.
- Horses
- Wheelchair accessible van
Ok.... now I have listed the things I want in my life. Time to move on to the second step:
Believe: the video said to believe these things are yours that they are already in your life. They stated that the life we are living now is the result of residual past thoughts. Meaning that what we have thought in the past is now our reality. So... for our lives to be different in the future we must start thinking it now..... as Mike Dooley, author of "A Note from the Universe" and other inspirational books, says... "Thoughts Become Things.... Choose the Good Ones". So in this step we are to believe the things we want and have asked for are ours and are coming to us now. We just have to be patient and keep focusing on those things in the present tense. So.... from the things I listed above. Myself, my husband and my family have good health and we have harmonious relationships between us. I am working prosperously from home with four thousand dollars in checks arriving in my mailbox weekly. I have provided a happy and healthy home for my family. We have a home in Colorado with horses and we have a 1966 blue convertible corvette and a wheelchair accessible van in the garage and a million dollars in my bank account. :) Perhaps they aren't here at this moment but those things are mine and are on their way. They will be arriving soon.
Now we move on to the third step:
Receive: To receive the video says to remember all the things you are grateful for in your life two to three times daily and imagine and dwell upon how you will feel when these things become realities. To fully visualize... for instance... I am visualizing standing at my full wall window in my pjs, fluffy slippers, coffee in hand and looking out at my mountain view from my home in Colorado... I feel the coolness of the window pane and I see the breeze gently moving the blades of grass as the horses graze. I smell the coffee in my cup and feel the warmth on my hand... I hear my family laughing throughout the house calling my name... they want to go horseback riding... I am fully visualizing my dreams. This is what you must do as well.
Are you ready to start living your dreams???
Dear reader I challenge you to do as I am doing.... Ask for what you want... send out the positive energies, think of the things you want in your life. Believe the things you want are already on their way to you. Receive these things when they arrive... fully visualize the things you have asked for. Check back with me in a year and let me know how the power of positive thoughts has changed your life. I will be in Colorado by then but I will still have this blog site. :) For more information on "The Secret" please visit the following website: http://www.thesecret.tv/index.html
~ Sharon
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Pulling Tractors
Breathing Life Into Old Garden Tractors
old garden tractors waiting to be revived |
.... Entertainment!!
Patrick on 'Amuk' |
pulling sled |
Garden Tractor pulling is basically this: a bunch of guys and gals take old garden tractors beef them up and give them shiny new paint jobs. On pulling weekends they all meet at a pulling track and compete against one another to gain points by pulling a 8500 pound sled the farthest! Two hundred feet is a full pull. They tally the points from all the pulls at the end of the season and then they are ranked by points. That's it in a nut shell.
The challenging and rewarding part is in the restoration of an old machine. My husband amazes me with what he can do with a gas powered machine. He can just listen to one and tell you what's wrong with it and fix it. He repairs riding mowers for people as a hobby. I call it tinkering but to him its more than that. It is a release for him from everyday challenges. It is a chance for him to channel his thoughts and clear away the stresses of life. It brings him pleasure to take a machine that has been given up on and breathe new life into it. Some of the tractors he restores to their original state as a mower but some he restores and creates a new life for them. Last year he started a new project. The restoration of our daughter's pulling tractor. I can hear your thoughts now ..... something about redneck! Yes some would call him a redneck. I prefer to call him 'country' and he does truly amaze me with his natural mechanical talent. He can take a rusted tractor or other machine that hasn't run in years and bring it back to life. I have never seen anyone as meticulous as my husband. When he repairs a tractor for someone he doesn't just address the issue they brought it to him for .. he goes over the whole item from top to bottom to ensure that it doesn't have some other minor or major problem before he returns it to the customer. Simply amazing!
Cassidy's tractor that she had last year. He used the frame and the transmission from this tractor to make her new tractor |
Cassidy's tractor was functional but it needed more flash and power. He began the restoration by stripping the tractor down to the frame. He removed all the wiring and the tires and painted the frame. Then began the rebuild. He rebuilt the transmission and the engine. Ran new wiring and created a really unique juncture point for the wiring. He took aluminum diamond plated sheet metal and formed it to fit the dash panel and he also made foot plates with it.. he cut out the spots for the gauge and the steering column. He also removed the key start and added a start button. He painted each and every bolt, spring or washer that went back onto the tractor. Polished all the aluminum parts then sanded the metal parts to remove the old paint. He primed the metal, applied the purple paint to the metal then hand laid the flames. After painting the green flames he then applied clear coats to make it shine. I have included pictures of the transformation from old yellow and beige to a sparkling purple and green pulling machine.
Patrick and Cassidy are members of the Lone Star Garden Tractor Pullers Association. To learn more about this sport and to see other amazing tractors please visit their website at http://www.lsgtpa.com/.
Patrick and Cassidy are members of the Lone Star Garden Tractor Pullers Association. To learn more about this sport and to see other amazing tractors please visit their website at http://www.lsgtpa.com/.
Fab work |
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beginning tear down |
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stripped to the frame |
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frame sanded, primed and painted |
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rebuilt and painted rearend |
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rebuilt axle |
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spindle buffed and shined |
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rebuilt transmission and rear end attached to frame |
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installing tail lights |
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metal work painted plum crazy purple |
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side panels hand outlined for flames |
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hood with flames and clear coat |
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hood hand outlined for flames |
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hood cone painted with 2012 Cheverolet Synergy Green. |
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formed diamond plate panel |
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gauge and panel in place |
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cut foot plates |
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oil pan buffed |
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rebuilt painted engine |
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rebuilt painted engine side view |
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rebuilt engine flywheel view |
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engine complete |
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engine in place |
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uncut grill in place |
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painted hood and side panels |
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grill with emblem and lights |
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gas tank mounted on brackets Patrick designed |
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wheelie bars |
Cassidy pulling on 'Nacho' She named it Nacho so she could say "it's 'Nacho' tractor" |
~ Sharon
Link to Cabela's |
Link to CafePress Products |
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Our trip to Colorado 2011
I still think the Appalachian Mountains are beautiful but in my opinion the Rocky Mountains win hands down. I wish pictures could truly express the majesty of Colorado. I suppose it is a combination of smells, sounds, sights and oh... the temperature! My husband's parents live in Gunnison, Colorado. Here is the website for Gunnison if you would like more information on this city... http://www.cityofgunnison-co.gov/ . The average high temperature in July is 82 ○F!!! Perfect for someone from Texas when our average high temp in July is 96 ○F. I will refrain from listing the average low temperatures of Gunnison. I'll just say that in the winter months I prefer Texas. ;)
While in Colorado my father-in-law drove us to many different places and provided historical commentary of the sights. I was very interested in all the information he could provide to us.
I would recite some of it here but it's been a year since. We are going back to Colorado in a few weeks. I will post more information upon our return. I will say now that I am very excited to be returning to the region. I would move there in a heartbeat if it were feasible.
These are pictures of our drive up to Cottonwood Pass. I will offer a word of advice for travelers. If you are venturing up to Cottonwood Pass make a bathroom stop before going up!! It is a slow passage up and down and there is NO public restroom at the top!!! I learned that the hard way. Heaven forgive me my trespasses. ;) here is a website about Cottonwood Pass... http://www.cottonwoodpass.net/
These are pictures of our day trip to Historic Crested Butte, Colorado. I love all the little mountain towns. They each have their own personalities. Here is a website about Crested Butte, Colorado ... http://www.crestedbutte-co.gov/
On our way home we have to go over Monarch Pass. There is a sky lift at the top. We didn't go last year but I would love to go this year. We will be driving straight through from Texas to Colorado. It's close to a 14 hour trip so by the time we reach Monarch Pass we are pretty tired so we continue on through. Another good thing about Monarch Pass... they have restrooms!! Here is a website about Monarch Pass ... http://www.takemytrip.com/10utco/08n_25a.htm
We went to the Royal Gorge last year. All I can really say is.... it was amazing and so beautiful! Here is a website about the Royal Gorge if you would like to learn more ... http://www.royalgorgebridge.com/
Beautiful!!!! I am ready to go .... less than a month and we will be back in this place that I feel is Heaven on earth. During this trip I am hoping to go fishing in the Blue Mesa Reservoir and hike in Black Canyon. More to come after our next trip.
~ Sharon
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