You Are Your Thoughts
Is it true that you are what you think? That you become what you imagine? That your dreams really can come true just by the power of your thoughts?
Butterfly in the Mountains |
I recently watched the video "The Secret" , according to this video the Universe is ours to command. That we simply need to focus on the positives and the things we want in our lives will come to us via the law of attraction. Can it really be that simple? Well we are going to find out. I have begun the exercise to make my dreams realities. I have followed the steps outlined in the video. They state three main objectives: Ask; Believe; Recieve.
Ask: First you must Ask for what you want. Meaning decide what you truly want in your life and focus your thoughts on those items. It was also stressed that you must release the thoughts of the things you do not want as focusing on the things you do not want will actually attract those things to you. So as the video states... "instead of saying ... I don't want to see bills in my mailbox... say I want to see checks coming to me in my mailbox." One speaker stated that using a vision board helps you to channel your thoughts to what you do want. So.... I will insert some things that I do want below. There are some things that I am unsure how to show you visually so I will mention them here:
1. Good Health for myself, my husband and my family & harmonious relationships between us.
2. To work prosperously from home and to have $1000 checks coming to me in the mail four times weekly.
3. To provide a happy healthy home for my family.
now I can post some pictures in random order of the things I do want in my life.
- Horses
- Wheelchair accessible van
Ok.... now I have listed the things I want in my life. Time to move on to the second step:
Believe: the video said to believe these things are yours that they are already in your life. They stated that the life we are living now is the result of residual past thoughts. Meaning that what we have thought in the past is now our reality. So... for our lives to be different in the future we must start thinking it now..... as Mike Dooley, author of "A Note from the Universe" and other inspirational books, says... "Thoughts Become Things.... Choose the Good Ones". So in this step we are to believe the things we want and have asked for are ours and are coming to us now. We just have to be patient and keep focusing on those things in the present tense. So.... from the things I listed above. Myself, my husband and my family have good health and we have harmonious relationships between us. I am working prosperously from home with four thousand dollars in checks arriving in my mailbox weekly. I have provided a happy and healthy home for my family. We have a home in Colorado with horses and we have a 1966 blue convertible corvette and a wheelchair accessible van in the garage and a million dollars in my bank account. :) Perhaps they aren't here at this moment but those things are mine and are on their way. They will be arriving soon.
Now we move on to the third step:
Receive: To receive the video says to remember all the things you are grateful for in your life two to three times daily and imagine and dwell upon how you will feel when these things become realities. To fully visualize... for instance... I am visualizing standing at my full wall window in my pjs, fluffy slippers, coffee in hand and looking out at my mountain view from my home in Colorado... I feel the coolness of the window pane and I see the breeze gently moving the blades of grass as the horses graze. I smell the coffee in my cup and feel the warmth on my hand... I hear my family laughing throughout the house calling my name... they want to go horseback riding... I am fully visualizing my dreams. This is what you must do as well.
Are you ready to start living your dreams???
Dear reader I challenge you to do as I am doing.... Ask for what you want... send out the positive energies, think of the things you want in your life. Believe the things you want are already on their way to you. Receive these things when they arrive... fully visualize the things you have asked for. Check back with me in a year and let me know how the power of positive thoughts has changed your life. I will be in Colorado by then but I will still have this blog site. :) For more information on "The Secret" please visit the following website:
~ Sharon
1 comment:
Update: today we are one piece away from having my van modified for Alan's wheelchair!!! Thank you God and thank you Patrick!!
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