Showing posts with label threat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label threat. Show all posts

Friday, September 12, 2014

Terror Attack on the United States of America

Impending Terror Attack

Ok I have to speak out. Yesterday tensions were high. A vast majority of the population was freaking out thinking we were going to be attacked by a terrorist group on the anniversary of 9/11. I am no military strategist but if I were planning to attack someone I certainly would not do it on a day that every individual in the country willing and capable of picking up a weapon and fighting back is on heightened alert. I would pick a run of the mill typical day when people are most at ease. My thought on that... Be prepared. Don't live in fear because then they win. Just be alert be prepared and be ready to fight back when the time arises.

There is a photo going around the internet of a suspected ISIS member in their "uniform" buying a sandwich at Jason's deli. Seriously people?? Why on earth would a member of a militant group that needs anonymity to carry out a covert mission send a member to the local deli in broad daylight in "unform" to make a sammich run? I know I know I hear it... Hiding in plain sight but I seriously don't buy that.

Stop the paranoia! Breathe!! Live your life without fear! 

Here are my thoughts on this issue... Do I believe we are a target? Yep sure do. Do I believe members of ISIS or ISIL or some other terrorist group have entered the US? unfortunately yes I do. Do I believe there are sleeper cells here? Yep.. I think it is a distinct possibility.Do I think that some were born and raised here to fulfill their twisted wrathful agenda on us? Actually yes I do. Do I think that at some point in the near future they will strike again? Yes I do. Do I think they will leave us in Peace on our homeland? No I do not. Do I feel something brewing, a threat coming but not knowing from which direction or from whom? I'm sad to say but yes I feel It. I think sooner rather than later we will have to fight back.

With that being said... If they do strike us again it will be a short lived event. Their initial strike may hit us hard and result in a high number of casualties. But... Once they show their hand they better run! They are not dealing with an unarmed population that has been oppressed and beaten down for generations. We are armed! We are tenacious and we will not go down without a fight!! 

I do believe we need our borders closed. I still think we should allow those wanting to come here through the proper channels to do so. I think we need to do our best to stop the flow of illegal immigration because I see that as one of our weakest areas. I also feel that if they want to get in they will regardless of our precautions.

So people please... Chill a bit. Yes we are a target. Yes I feel something is on the horizon. We will Overcome and I refuse to live In fear!! Don't become ignorant of your surroundings or blind to what is going on in the world but don't let the fear of the unknown take over your lives.


Carry on With Love,

~ Sharon

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